ADAM AND EVE AND "THE FALL” – Two Sides of Easter
of the world’s focus is on a dark side of the Easter theme; that is, “The Fall”
caused by Adams transgression. But there is a better view. I pose two questions:
1.What was lost in the Fall of Adam? Life in the Garden. Adam and Eve lost their life of ease in a
garden where no progress could be made. It
was no loss for us because we were never destined to go there anyway.
2) What was gained? Spiritual
-- Isolation from the God is not always fun, but we needed the opportunity to
exercise our faith and our agency. No free choice; no personal growth!
Mortality: Adam fell that men might be. No mortal life, no body, no death, no resurrection,
no Exaltation! “Adam
fell that men might be”
Access to Pain, Sickness,
Hunger, other exigencies of the flesh, and joy. Without tasting the bitter we could never
have known the sweet. No pain, no gain!
Lone and Dreary World: No one has savored the taste of bread like he who
has earned it by the sweat of his brow. The
11th Commandment: “Thou shalt Sweat!”
Phyical Body: We learn to manage the tug of hormones and
other appetites; to have kids who will pile glory upon our heads! “These
things shall give you experience!”
Earth: which
was created and ‘cursed’ for our sake.
We needed an obstacle course for our important training program. “We
will [im]prove them herewith.”
Atoning Sacrifice: No
sacrificial Lamb, no Redemption.
Gospel of Jesus Christ: Soon after his expulsion, Adam asked for
guidance and received the handbook on how to negotiate the earthly obstacle
course and come out, not only ‘alive, but with Life Eternal; Glory! “Eye
hath not seen …” 2 N 2:25
I am personally
moved by the knowledge that we were all there together when the PLAN was
wrought in the wisdom of Him who knoweth all things, (2N 2:24) and that we
gave it our sustaining vote; and that we sustained Adam in his calling to be the
Head of the Human Family, along with Eve, our Earthly Matriarch.
Adam and Mother Eve fell from God’s presence, but not from the circle of his
love. Adam knew what he was doing. It was not an act of rebellion but of
fulfilment. He fell into his place as
Patriarch over all the Earth. He is
still Michael, the Archangel. Let us
appreciate the Fall as a team effort made for our good
The 11th Commandment
God told Moses not to lie or steal;
to covet nor to kill.
We know those Ten commandments,
but there's yet another still:
The one He gave to Adam
we must also not forget:
In order than man should eat;
He ordered: "Thou shalt sweat!"
(c)Robert Lynn Brown