When I consider all my progeny
and what I mean to them,
¼ and they to me,
I am caused to pause and ponder
the extent of my extended family tree.
Back through myriad generations
to Father Adam; ¼ Mother Eve;
we must have known
¼ and loved each other
in a world we cannot now perceive.
And, if forebears back to Eden
can be thusly tied to me,
how can I doubt
the same is true
of my posterity to be?
The veil permits the barest
of what familial joys we’ll see
when Celestial Generations join
in that one last vast reunion
scheduled for Eternity.
©Robert Lynn Brown 3/29/03
It is as startling as it is obvious that I have hundreds, if not thousands, of ancesters going back to Adam and Eve, as well as generations of posterity yet to be born. It seems likely that I may have always known them all -- except during this brief period that I am spending on this earth.
When I consider the power of the love that ties me to those both above and below me that I have been blessed to know during this finite mortal state, I can't stop wondering about what ties I will have with all the others when I go back to where they are.
How exciting it is to think that there will be no finite limitations on the truly unconditinal love that will bind us to one another and to the Savior in the celestial realm which the Atonement of Christ makes possible for us!