Sunday, February 7, 2016

We all know the story of how  “. . . the veil was taken off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and he saw the finger of the Lord . . .”  And we know that this happened because of his “exceeding faith.”  (Ether 3:6): but did you know that  “. . . there were many whose faith was so exceedingly strong . . . they could not be kept from within the veil”? (Ether 12:19) 
We also know that Nephi, because of his great faith and great desire, was able to see the vision of the Tree of Life that his father Lehi had seen  (I N 10:17); but we may have forgotten that, as he sat pondering on this great desire, the Spirit of the Lord appeared and quizzed him about his belief and his desires.  (I N 11:1-5)  Then the Spirit said  . . . “blessed art thou, Nephi, because thou believest on the Son of the most high God; wherefore, thou shalt behold the things which thou hast desired.”  (I N 11:6)
I had forgotten that Nephi saw much more than the Tree of Life vision.  He also saw the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child after His birth (I N 11:20), the Savior’s baptism (11:27, His ministry (11:28, 31), His death on the cross (11:33).  He saw the last days and Christ’s appearance in the Americas (I N 12:5-6; 3 N 11:8-10)
Nephi reminds us that Christ  . . . “is the same yesterday, today, and forever . . . “  and  that  “. . . he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, as well in these times as in the times of old as in times to come . . .” (I N 18-19).
So, this seems to tell me that the drawstrings on the veil are within the reach of every one who has the belief (faith) and the desire, and the courage to pull the veil aside and behold the Lord and His mysteries.  What does it suggest to you?
What are these additional scriptures trying to tell us:  D&C 88:67-68?
                                                                                                  D&C 84:54-57?

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