Tuesday, March 15, 2016

This blog is a tribute written by my youngest son in honor of my eldest.  I post it here because  it is, not only a beautiful and fitting commendation of my firstborn, but also a comprehensive essay on the law of primogeniture, the special status and responsibilities traditionally associated with firstborn son in any family.

Rob the Firstborn
by JJ Brown (the last-born)

The LDS website under Gospel Topics, says this about the role of a Firstborn:

In the patriarchal order, the firstborn son is the heir and inherits the leadership of the family upon the death of the father. This is often spoken of in the scriptures as birthright (Gen. 43:33). Under the law of Moses, the Firstborn son was regarded as belonging to God, and special ordinances were provided for his redemption (Ex. 13:12–15; 22:29; Num. 3:45; Luke 2:22–23). The eldest son received a double portion of his father’s possessions (Deut. 21:17); and after his father’s death, he was responsible for the care of the mother and sisters.

Moses wrote that a father’s Firstborn “is the beginning of his strength” (Duet 21:17). The importance of the role of the Firstborn is emphasized throughout the Bible up until the time that Father in Heaven’s own Firstborn came to Earth. Then, the focus shifts to Him.

The Apostle Paul tells us that the Father seemingly chose Christ to be his Firstborn spirit child based on qualities of his pre-spirit intelligence.

JST, Romans 8:29
29 For him whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to his own image, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

In spite of the possible preselection of a father’s Firstborn, the scriptures teach us that the position must still be earned. Apostle Orson Pratt taught about this:

"Reuben only was called the first born of Israel until he lost his birthright, through transgression, which, we are told in the 5th chapter of first Chronicles, was taken from him and given to one of the sons of Joseph. But so far as age or birth was concerned, Reuben was the Firstborn; and had it not been for his transgression, he would have inherited a double portion of his father's substance, for that was the law in ancient times." (Journal of Discourses)

Ishmael was born first but did not earn his Firstborn position, so it was given to Isaac. Esau did not earn his Firstborn position, so it was given to Jacob.  Reuben was also born first but did not earn his Firstborn position, so it was given to Joseph and eventually his second son, Ephraim. God said, “I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my Firstborn.” (Jeremiah 31:9).

So the Firstborn is preselected for an extra endowment and extra responsibilities but must then live up to them. Rob lives up to his station.

Rob is the only living person I know, who I can easily imagine playing a role in a Bible or Book of Mormon story. I can see him running from Potiphar’s wife, I can see him seeking more for his family and asking Mahonri Moriancumer to use his gifts for guidance. I can see him leaving his nets behind to follow the Savior. I can see him preparing defenses against invading Lamanites. When it comes to the Gospel events, Rob fits into them, whether it’s a story in the past, or a prophecy of our future. It is impossible to imagine Rob being anywhere but on the side of Enoch, on the side of Samuel the Lamanite, on the side of Moroni, or on the side of Moses.

As the Firstborn, he points us all toward the right, toward Christ and our Father in Heaven. Righteousness is his motivation. When you look upon a righteous Firstborn, you are also looking in the direction of the Father. This is why Venus is the Evening and the Morning Star. Venus is closer to the Sun than we are, so it is in the horizon at night toward the sun as it sets and in the morning sky near to where the sun comes up. When we look toward Venus, we are looking toward the sun. Christ the great Firstborn is also known as the Morning Star. In the absence of the sun, just before it appears in the morning or after it has left in the evening, the Morning Star is there. In the absence of the Father, the Firstborn should be there.

When my visa to Italy was delayed while I was in the MTC, and I was sent to South Carolina to await my visa. Rob was travelling himself and was able to meet me at the airport before I boarded my flight. Because of our age difference we hadn’t interacted a great deal one on one as adults, and I felt good knowing that even though my parents couldn’t be there, Rob was able to meet me.  He sat down and talked with me for a while before he had to run to his gate, but before he left he left me an envelope and asked me to read it later.

I opened it on the plane and read his thoughts about me. Then he shared with me the words of Heavenly Father as they had come to him the night before on my behalf.  He wrote that those words came to him while he had been praying and thinking on my situation. The words were pure revelation and changed my life and my mission. But I don’t credit Rob for that advice. I credit Rob for being my worthy elder brother, for praying and thinking on me, and being willing and able to receive revelation in place of my earthly father and my Father in Heaven. If felt natural and right for Rob to fill that role in my life.

Rob holds the family together horizontally. When there is a trial or trauma, Rob is always central, playing his role well under the direction of a worthy and humble father. Rob is often the one administering and overseeing the plan that is agreed to by the father. Rob’s influence and interest don’t fade away until the problem has faded, and even then there is often follow up.

Rob holds the family together vertically. Rob is the one who stays in touch and holds onto our connection with our living ancestors. He’s the one who shows up at the Brown and Johnson events.  He’s the one who often instigates our own family reunions. His heart is turned to his fathers as well as to his own father’s descendants.

I feel our family is special, and that our most special assets are only now being born. I feel this family is a foothold of Zion in Babylon and will be of specific and critical use to Heavenly Father in the Last Days. I feel that Heavenly Father put one of his most worthy administrators as the First Born over this family for a wise and important purpose, and with Rob at the helm I am confident we will not fail. If he were made Presiding Bishop, my confidence in the well-being of the Church would increase.

We will follow our righteous father, but if he dips out of sight due to distance or health, our elder brother will be there in the direction of righteousness, just like our dad.  If we look to him, we will be looking in the right direction. He is our own Morning Star.

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